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2. 6. 2008

1.Malice in Sunderland (2008)...Malice in Wonderland (USA)
2.You and I (2008)...Lana Starkova
3.Don´t Fade Away (2008)...Kat
4.Homecoming (2008)...Shelby
5.Walled In (2008)
6.Assassination of a High School President (2008)...Francesca
7.Virgin Territory (2007)...Pampinea

8.St. Trinian´s (2007)...JJ French

9.Closing the Ring (2007)...Young Ethel Ann
10.The OC California(76 častí 1.-3.séria) ... Marissa Cooper
11."All My Chldren" (2006-jedna epizóda)...Lilly Montgomery
12.The Oh is Ohio (2006)..Kristen Taylor

13.Octane (2003)...Natasha 'Nat' Wilson
14."Fastlane" (2003-jedna epizóda)...Simone Collins
15.A Ring of Endless Light (2002)...Vicky Austin
16."Once and Again" (epizód)...Katie Singer
17.Tart (2001)...Grace Bailey
18.Julie Johnson (2001)...Lisa Johnson

19.Lost and Delirious (2001)...Mary "Mouse" Bedford
20.Frankie and Hazel (2000)...Francesca 'Frankie' Humphries
21.Skipped Parts (2000)...Maurey Pierce
22.Paranoid (2000)...Theresa
23.The Sixth Sense (1999)...Kyra Collins
24.Notthing Hill (1999-hosťovala chvíľku)
25.Pups (1999)...Rocky
26.Lawn Dogs (1997)...Devon Stockard
27."Kablam!" (1996-niekoľko epizód)...Betty Ann Bongo
28.Angelo a New York, Un (1996)...Drummond
29.Polio Water (1995)...Diane